Brunchin’ for Lunch: Life Beyond French Toast
Everyone knows students circle “French Toast Day” on their lunch calendars, and look forward to enjoying this sweet breakfast classic at noontime, too. But there are lots of other ways to take nutrition-smart breakfast fare into the lunch hour and beyond – and deliver dishes that offer solid nutrition with rock-star kid appeal.
Fuel them up for the afternoon
Many breakfast staples like scrambled eggs or egg-in-a-hole are known for delivering premier, protein-driven nutrition while being loved by kids. With today’s busy students and lunch hours that can start around 10am, it’s more important than ever to give them a solid meal at lunchtime to fill and fuel them up and give them energy for the long afternoons ahead. Some reasons:
23% of elementary school students are in after school care programs, and millions more rely on “self care” – so these kids may not have access to healthy snacks to carry them to dinner time (Afterschool
57% of students age 6-17 participate in some form of after-school extra-curricular activity – with many choosing sports, which requires added nutrition and sustenance for optimal performance (U.S. Census).